Student Policies

Instructor Evaluation Policy


Keystone College offers courses in vocational, business and in ESL areas and hence have high quality instructors for these courses. Instructors have been evaluated in order to deliver best services to students and college. This evaluation also becomes their professional development as they understand their problem areas and write action plan to overcome plan as well for future professional development.

Keystone College insures that all instructors provide best services to students and college. In order to achieve this, instructors are evaluated on hiring as well as yearly basis. This is administrated by SEA.

An Instructor is evaluated based on pre-set areas of-delivery of content, classroom interaction, professional goals etc. as in Instructor Evaluation Form. A set time is setup with instructor and interview is conducted by SEA to complete Instructor evaluation form. Instructor is requested to give recent resume/CV, any updated qualification or certification copy and professional development activity (if any).

All concerns of instructor are being noted down along with discussion on student feedback received for that instructor. Student feedback is only shown to instructor after result of students is already submitted. The SEA makes note of any planned professional development activity and feedback of this review. The instructor is notified about next tentative review date.


The instructor is requested to give recent resume/CV, any updated qualification or certification copy and professional development activity (if any).The procedure is as follows:

  • Professional development action plan is written down by instructor and presented to SEA before evaluation set time.
  • A set time is setup with instructor and interview is conducted by SEA to complete Instructor evaluation form. This can be done by SEA while the instructor is teaching a class or being in online class .
  • Instructor has been asked questions about performance, quality, communication skills and delivery of course. The SEA can also review the teaching method of the instructor in live class.
  • All concerns of instructor are being noted down along with discussion on student feedback received for that instructor.
  • Student feedback is only shown to instructor after the result of the students are already submitted.
  • SEA makes note of any planned professional development activity and feedback of this review.
  • Instructor is notified about next tentative review date.