About Us

Keystone College provides more than straightforward education. We train our students to become leaders.

Keystone College is an accredited post-secondary institution that has been a trusted institution in its market for more than a decade. Keystone College began in 2007 with PTIB accreditation achieved in 2009. Keystone College is registered and fully designated by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB). Through the process, the institution and its programs are evaluated and recognized for quality assurance and, if successful, the institution is awarded a designation certificate. As a result, students can be confident that an institution and its educational programs meet criteria and standards established by the PTIB.

Keystone College is an accredited post-secondary institution that has been a trusted institution in its market for more than a decade. Keystone College is EQA certified. The Education Quality Assurance (EQA) designation is available to public and private institutions in B.C. that meet or exceed quality assurance standards set by the province of B.C.

Keystone College is an accredited post-secondary institution that has been a trusted institution in its market for more than a decade. Keystone College is ITA (Industry Training Authority) approved Institution. The Industry Training Authority (ITA) leads and coordinates British Columbia’s skilled trades system. ITA works with employers, apprentices, industry, labour, training providers and government to issue credentials, supports apprenticeships, fund programs, set program standards and increase opportunities in the trades.

Our Vision

To be a leading, innovative, Canadian training provider that reflects industry standards and builds upon them.

Our Mission

To foster a conducive learning environment with access to cutting edge technology and industry experts, that nurtures every learner’s individual creativity and equip all graduates with the required skills and more, to conquer their future challenges and goals.