1. Respect Between staff and students and among students
All students have the right to an equal opportunity to learn. To achieve this, all students have a responsibility to :
• Treat every person with courtesy and respect regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, social background, disability, sexual preference, or religious beliefs and customs.
• Behave appropriately in the learning environment (including online), use respectful dialogue and debate; and consider others by not disrupting the classroom/learning space.
Students who do not behave in accordance with this principle may :
• Be asked to leave the classroom or removed from the learning environment.
• Lose privileges such as email, access to the college’s Learning Management System and/or the college’s student portal.
• Be cautioned for minor offences.
• Be suspended or have their enrolment terminated for serious offences.
2. Respect for Individuality and Freedom from Bullying to a safe environment free of bullying and harassment.
All students have right to safe environments (free of Bullying and Harassment). To achieve this, all students have a responsibility to :
• Not engage in behaviour that threatens the wellbeing of another member of the Keystone College community.
• Not engage in bullying (including cyber bullying) or harassment of staff or students.
Students who do not behave in accordance with this principle may :
• Have their enrolment cancelled.
• Be suspended or have their enrolment terminated, even if the behaviour occurred off campus or out of class hours.
• Be reported to online social networking sites when a contravention of that site’s code of practice has occurred.
• Be reported to Police if a suspected criminal offence has occurred.
3. Respect for the views of others
All students have the right to feel safe to communicate various perspectives and views in an environment where freedom of expression is respected. To achieve this, all students have a responsibility to :
• Respect the rights of others to hold and express a range of viewpoints.
• Express views with consideration for the feelings of others, and an understanding of ethical and cultural implications.
Students who do not behave in accordance with this principle may :
• Be asked to leave the classroom or removed from the learning environment.
• Lose privileges such as email, access to the college’s Learning Management System and/or the college’sstudent portal.
• Be cautioned for minor offences.
• Be suspended or have their enrolment terminated for serious offences.
4. Respect for the college’s physical environment
All students have the right to a safe and secure physical environment. To achieve this, all students have a responsibility to :
• Behave responsibly and respectfully while on campus.
• Follow safety guidelines when using college facilities and equipment.
• Conform to occupational health, safety and welfare principles.
Students who do not behave in accordance with this principle may :
• Be required to pay compensation for any damages.
• Be prevented from entering on or remaining on the campus.
5. Respect for the right of others to access resources
All students have the right to :
• Reasonable access to appropriate facilities such as classrooms, IT and lab facilities.
• Access to resources that are maintained and in a good working order.
To achieve this, all students have a responsibility to :
• Use college resources in a lawful and appropriate manner, with consideration for the fair access of others.
Students who do not behave in accordance with this principle may :
• Have their user access suspended with or without prior notice.
• Be required to pay for any damages.
• Have criminal or other penalties imposed where Province or Commonwealth legislation has been breached.
6. Respect for the academic requirements of programs
All students have the right to accurate and up to date information about their course, including assessment requirements; fair and impartial feedback on their performance and to be able to provide fair and considered feedback about the course, teaching staff or their student experiences without fear of reprisal.
To achieve this, all students have a responsibility to :
• Familiarise themselves with information provided about courses, academic support and assessment.
• Attend all classes, workshops and practical sessions as detailed in their class timetable.
• Prepare for classes by completing required readings and preparatory tasks.
• Submit assessments within required timeframes.
• Regularly access the student portal and college email account (where this is available).
• Constructively use feedback where it is provided.
• Provide respectful and constructive feedback about teaching and the quality of courses and programs through college evaluation processes and the Student Survey.
Students who do not behave in accordance with this principle may :
• Risk receiving a hold result(s) and be required to repeat an assessment(s).
• Risk receiving a re-enrol result(s) and be required to repeat the unit (s).
• Be placed on a Student Intervention Plan, and if the behaviour continues, result in dismissal.
• Receive a caution for minor offences to suspension or termination for serious offences, where abusive or derogatory comments are made about college staff or student.
7. Respect for the roles and responsibilities of academic staff
All students have the right to reasonable access to staff for individual consultation outside of class time (either in person, via phone or email).
To achieve this, all students have a responsibility to :
• Respect the rights of academic staff to manage their time, and balance competing responsibilities.
• Observe reasonable norms of behaviour for contacting trainers outside of scheduled class times.
Students who do not behave in accordance with this principle may :
• Receive formal correspondence advising that their behaviour is inappropriate.
• Be placed on a Student Intervention Plan.
• Be suspended or have their enrolment terminated, even if the behaviour occurred off campus or out of class hours.
• Be reported to online social networking sites when a contravention of that site’s code of practice has occurred.
• Be reported to Police if a suspected criminal offence has occurred.
8. Respect for intellectual property and academic integrity
All students have the right to information about principles of academic integrity and the consequences of noncompliance and conversely, to have their intellectual property rights recognised and respected.
To achieve this, all students have a responsibility to :
• Conduct their work without cheating, plagiarising and fabricating or falsifying of data.
• Appropriately acknowledge the contribution of others in all academic work.
• Ensure the proper use of copyright material.
Students who do not behave in accordance with this principle may :
• Have a re-enrol result recorded for that unit of study.
• Be placed on a Student Intervention Plan.
• Be suspended or have their enrolment terminated (for repeated offences).
• Face civil or criminal charges for breaches of copyright.